Tours & Management
Photos by Paul Gilbey
Production Management
Stressed about the logistics of your next production? We understand. Putting on a show is an intricate dance of creativity and organization, and that's where we come in. Our expericnece of tour production management are behind the curtain, ensuring your vision seamlessly transitions from concept to stage.
Technical TOUR equipment
Sound systems, lighting rigs, projection equipment, and LED screens need to be adaptable to diverse venue sizes and technical specifications.
Production Supplies: Cables, adapters, gaffer tape, and other consumable essentials need to be stocked in sufficient quantities for unforeseen repairs or adjustments.
production crew
By meticulously planning and carefully choosing your technical crew, you can create a well-oiled backstage machine that keeps the tour running smoothly and ensures the show hits the right notes every night.
tour management
Remember, this is just a starting point. Tailor the provisions to your specific tour requirements, technical needs, and budget limitations. Don't hesitate to ask if you have any further questions!